Branding / Web


Optical fibre:
the immediate future

GlobalWire provides multiple telecommunication solutions, the deployment of optical fibre being a focus. While developing branding for technological related companies, you always have to aim for a balance that observes the need for something strong and reliable, without ever running the risk of becoming old-fashioned.

The logo was conceived in pursuit of innovation with a fun twist. Its lines are meant to mimic fibre optical cables, as well as the signal that they emit, and the “G” was slightly reshaped to suggest the famous “Switched ON” icon. With its subtle mix of straight and curved lines, typography also helps us to express the idea of modernity and youthfulness combined with confidence and sophistication.

Bearing in mind the idea of having several interceptions of cables (i.e. lines) causing color changes in the logo, we developed an animated city where everyone is clearly “making it happen”. Intended to unveil GlobalWire website, this city is a representation of the energy and dynamic that optical fibre offers to its users’ everyday lives through remote but strong connections and exchange of information.